Sunday, November 28, 2004

What grand adventure could he possibly have been having all this time...

It is 2am. I am in a dark room. The room is my room. Is it dark because my wife is sleeping--rolling about, occasionally saying something she won't remember in the morning, but essentially, sleeping. I haven't done this in so long that I almost didn't remember my password. If anyone reads this and wonders what the heck happened, I left my cushy, blog 'em if ya got 'em corporate job and have placed myself in the middle of a brand new business, complete with zealous but underexperienced-as-a-boss founder, toadying office manager, to do list that would make the Hedley's take a vacation, and finally, an underlying certainty that nothing I am told can be held as gospel, and that everything I do can and will be used against me in a staff meeting, or thereabouts. In space and small businesses, no one can hear you scream.

On the lighter side, I've enjoyed writing a spot. Perhaps I'll try it again before I'm shut down for inactivity.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I'm treading the waters of hypocrisy on this one...

Still, I just cannot resist...

"The Democratic source said Bush called Kerry a worthy, tough and honorable opponent. Kerry told Bush the country was too divided, the source said, and Bush agreed. "We really have to do something about it," Kerry said according to the Democratic official".
(The complete article is online through Yahoo News or AP or wherever quality, late-breaking links are found)

"We need to do something". Like what? Like spend months and millions smearing, slandering, creating suspicion, malinging, belittling, disrupting, disrespecting, dissolving, and dividing one another and the parties you represent (including the large numbers of grass roots affiliates which hold desperately to their preferred party)? Oh no, wait, that has been a partial CAUSE of the problem. They mean we need a SOLUTION to it. Well, thank goodness they noticed! Being aware of a probelm is the first step in taking responsibility for fixing it. Still, I can't help but wonder how much sense it makes to see a storm cloud questioning a flood.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

United we stood...

Or so it would seem. We've come a long way, baby.
I didn't want to be the only one who got to breathe their political carbon dioxide all over the web this morning. Unlike most, however, I am as of yet undecided. Not undecided about party affiliation or about which candidate I prefer. I'm undecided about whether or not I'm actually going to vote. Honestly, I don't even know if I am registered, or if that matters. This is new to me. I did vote once, for Nader. That was quite a time ago. If nothing else, he sticks to his guns. Even if they aren't loaded.
My boss always says that if you're not informed, please don't vote. I would have to agree with him. Not that there is any excuse for being willingly uninformed. I don't try to make any for that. And even though I am so put off by the whole 'They wear green? Well, we don't wear green and anyone who does weakens America!" diametric opposition syndrome that our good old country has developed a severe case of, I won't even blame my apathy on that. When it comes down to it, I won't make a stink no matter who ends up in there.
Oh, sidebar note--my polling precinct is located at the 1st Baptist Church. No mix of church and state there. I believe the Bible itself says 'Do everything without complaining or arguing...'. I guess we're not going to expect our politicians to follow such a small and wayside command, a suggestion, really (the pirate code is really more of a guideline...), even though it's fine for them to carry God in their back pockets. Maybe that was the mysterious bulge in W's coat...