Thursday, July 17, 2008

for MMKB

(I found this from my road ramblings--things I wrote while traveling around for the cellular security company. It's nothing special, but I had forgotten about it. Maybe I hope it's a beacon.)

Melting candles, anime
Dreams that have too much to say
that chase you well into the day

Dirty carpet, pleather boots
Writhing limbs instead of roots
Rotting unforbidden fruit

Brilliant mind, razor wit
The tide of anger shifts a bit
I am not controlling it

Foolish me to think I can
A common foolishness for man
Realizing it, I ran

Surprised my mother; surprised me, too
Different reasons behind the two
Always thought I'd be stuck with you
Now I miss the friend I knew

I hope I see you down the line
Write a letter, interpret a sign
Share some stories, yours and mine

Be safe; find anything but pain
My prayers will go to you again


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