Wednesday, April 25, 2007

We are not alone...

Apparently scientists have discovered a planet out there that is more like earth than any other found to date. If you don't have time to read the full article, I have summed up the points for you below:
  • Although the exact temperature of the surface isn't clear, scientists put it between 34 and 104 degrees Fahrenheit (so it must be kind of like Michigan in May).
  • There is an indigenous life form on the planet, but it is continually at war with itself and lives in a permanent state of unrest (so it must be like Michigan at any time).
  • There is a great amount of wealth and privilege to be had, but less than 2% of the planets' population enjoys this wealth; on the flip side, the remaining 98% work tirelessly for very little for or as a result of the 2%.
  • There are leaders among the people, but most often they are empty figureheads, accidental icons that use wealth and influence to obtain position, charisma and rhetoric to maintain position, and use force and fearmongering to help push their own agendas.
  • The planet is full of rich resources, but the most developed and advanced form of life that exists there has thoughtlessly exploited those resources to the point where it has begun to suffer losses itself due to the damages caused to the ecosystem.
  • There are non-geographic boundaries on this planet which appear to separate different groups of life forms, and on even within these groups, there exist smaller and smaller groups. The phenomenon seems to always be accompanied by a great fear, intolerance, and ignorance within a given group for all other groups.
  • There is both taxation and public lottery, which shows that even in outerspace, a fool and his money are soon parted.
  • There exists art and entertainment, as it would appear, however 99% of it seems to contain materials and ideas that are learned and obtained in the early development stage of the higher life form, making a strong case for a stunted imagination and an underdeveloped sense of creativity in society as a whole, a concept we as humans have a difficult time grasping.
  • The health habits of the indigenous population are rather excessive, either slovenly or hyper-proactive, generally the former. Obesity is common, although it exists primarily in the youth and in prison populations.
  • Finally, a consistent thread among all societies seemed to be social paradox--lack of education but the expectation of advancement; isolation and lack of socialization but a resistance to nonconformity and lonerism; ready availability of weaponry but aversion to it being used; glorification of sexuality but resistance to overpopulation; fear of death and yet a refusal to live as if life were sacred or something worth preserving.
The team of scientists which have been studying this new planet have come to the conclusion that within (the equivalent of) 5 or 6 earth generations, the planet and all life within it will gradually succumb to its own entropic nature, and will cease to be inhabitable. Upon reaching this conclusion, each of them drove home to their unhappy spouses, shut the many doors in their overlarge homes, fell asleep watching late night television, and individually and as a whole, learned nothing.


Blogger Samantha Goldberg said...

I genuinely enjoy your writing. :)

6:53 PM  

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