Thursday, June 09, 2005

The one person who could ALMOST sell me a bridge...

If you hadn't noticed, I tend to put quotes from my wife on the upper right corner of the blog, around where my picture, I guess, is supposed to go (you can thank me later for that). But lately, the funniest stuff going on over here isn't in the form of quotes, but more like scenarios or vignettes that I keep finding myself in, usually arising from some misunderstanding or just a simple difference in perception. Here's the most recent one:

My wife wanted me to send her friend an email with the poem I wrote a couple entries back attached (not the lesbian poetry one; that one she will likely never see). Anyway, she wrote me down her email address as such (and I have changed her name so that nothing bizarre comes down the pipes at her):

I thought to myself, wow, that's creative. Everybody else just puts the underline between their name. She actually spelled it out. So, I emailed her. A couple seconds later I get a failure message. So I ask my wife if she has seen the address written down, or if that is just what her friend told her. At this point, well over a year into marriage, I learn that my wife doesn't know what an underscore is. It appears that the email address is, in fact, the garden variety '' email addresses. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I just thought it was funny that I bought it. Reminds me of the time she almost convinced me that Thanksgiving was in September (until I realized that Canada has one, too).

Well, the moral is, if it smells like a rat, it probably is one. Actually, that isn't precisely the moral in this case, but it is a maxim I live by. And beyond that, I can steal the underscore email idea from my wife and be clever and celebrated and the only ones who know will be my wife, myself, and the five of you that read this. (If you're still reading after the last post, that is...)


Blogger EJ said...

I read this. And I'm going to watch out for your Idea Yoinking in the future!!

10:02 PM  

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