Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Mexican Revolutions, yard games, and postnasal drip...

Well, we're back. Back from the land of leatherskinned elders. Back from the land of reptiles and refugees. Back from the land, apparently, of intense sea-grass allergies. The weather was lovely, but I got a sinus infection. We went to the beach, but we both got sunburns. We purchased a lovely coffee table, but the cute antique bench wouldn't fit in the car with it. Every coin has two sices, you see. I did, however, learn to play bocce ball without any drawbacks. It's like curling, only you play on sand and you don't get the kid with the little broom to run in front of your ball. If you don't know what curling is, watch Canadian television. A tournament will begin very soon.

I just found out we're having a Cinco de Mayo lunch downstairs. I don't really know what Cinco de Mayo is, aside from a date, and an opportunity for a bunch of American office types to cater in tacos. I think it's a celebration of some type.

OK, another stride has been made in thwarting my ethnocentrism. Cinco de Mayo is like presidents day--it doesn't have a literal significance as much as it points towards something more general and quite important. That's my understanding, anyway. After all, you can't believe everything you read on the internet...


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