Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Applause For Kids/Ulcers For Adults...

By some bizarre twist of fate, my wife and I are actually taking a little vacation. I don't know how we were able to pull away from our all-important jobs, but it matters little. Within probably 20 hours, I will be relaxing in Florida with the palm trees, palmetto bugs and liver spots. Land of adult tricycles. Land of milewide flea markets. Land of lowly, lethargic, lacerated sea cows. Land of shuffle board and capris. Land of all-night canasta tournaments and unplucked fruit trees and large, lumbering Lincolns. Land of backyard alligators and front lawn fountains. Land of the grandparents. Land of the great-grandparents. Homeland of Hemingway.
I doubt very much I will be on the computer while down there. I don't even know if they have computers down there. I'm sure they must, as there are colleges and such. I've never actually seen one there, that's all I'm saying. Perhaps I'll pick up one of those disposable cameras and try to take some artistic shots to post here. Perhaps I'll just stay down there and become a beach bum. I already have the beard and the twenty-year-old clothing. I just need to score some pigment or else I'll turn into a frito after three hours out on the beach. No one wants to see a bearded frito. Not before Memorial Day. Fancies and Goodnights, y'all.


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