So are the days of our lives...
My days being much longer and more grueling lately.
85 hours. That's how many I worked a couple weeks ago. Then a moderate 65 last week. This week looks like it may dip just under 50--measly. And what is my excuse for not journaling? I haven't one. I used to work with cooks who did 12 hour shifts for seven days straight, week after week, and they still had time to make babies, ruin relationships, and basically treat people like crap, which actually takes a lot of energy and burns a good deal of calories, I understand. Perhaps I should become a sleazy short order cook. Then maybe the hourglass would be half full again. In the meantime, here's to ending the year on a happy note, mine being A natural.
85 hours. That's how many I worked a couple weeks ago. Then a moderate 65 last week. This week looks like it may dip just under 50--measly. And what is my excuse for not journaling? I haven't one. I used to work with cooks who did 12 hour shifts for seven days straight, week after week, and they still had time to make babies, ruin relationships, and basically treat people like crap, which actually takes a lot of energy and burns a good deal of calories, I understand. Perhaps I should become a sleazy short order cook. Then maybe the hourglass would be half full again. In the meantime, here's to ending the year on a happy note, mine being A natural.