Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Imagine a day when politicians speak the truth in love
Imagine if snow flakes were the harshest things falling from above
Imagine a time when bombs only burst in history books
Imagine a place where women are free from threatening or salacious looks
Imagine if your color had no bearing on your course
Imagine if all criminals felt genuine remorse
Imagine if hypocrisy were impossible to find
Imagine if the games were fair and the rules all well-defined
Imagine teaching children romance languages instead of hate
Imagine fat men feeding families who are used to empty plates
Imagine feelings being valued and your values having worth
Imagine this in space because you won't see it here on earth

Why do I always find myself so optimistic during election years? Or any years for that matter? could it be...the NEWS?! Turn off the tv. Put the paper in the cat box. Leave the magazine at the dentists. Exit the debate. Read a book. Feed a family. Use your privilege to someone else's advantage. Consciously try to value somebody that you haven't valued in the past. Plant a flower. Talk to God. I'm not a 'hippie', but I dig a little peace...


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