Friday, October 08, 2004

Relativity, indeed...

This has been a stressful week. My wife has been among the walking sick for over a week, and I am now starting to feel it myself. I bought a truck on Wednesday, and it was a grueling financial battle, and I still have to go back Saturday morning because the detail people had left by the time we finished. Instead of seeing a friend in his stage play last night, which I very much wanted to do, I was cleaning the basement floor of my wife's vocal coach as a way of bartering, and there I met something which horrifies me almost as much as spiders do--the camel cricket. If I ever have an opportunity to demand an explanation from God, it will be for these things. Anyway, I find myself with a little down time at the office this Friday afternoon, so I have done what anybody with a few extra down minutes at the end of a stressful week would do: I have gotten introspective...analytical...I have taken...ONLINE PERSONALITY TESTS.
Fascinating, these tests. You can take a test for virtually anything. You can be compared to and diagnosed as a stone, a philospher, an animal, a cartoon character, a dictator, what have you. Probably a brand of shoes, as well. I haven't dug that deep. What I have determined, with the help of many freely generated profiles, is as follows:
I am a 'guardian' of society. (I don't know which sub-type; that would have cost money).
My style of working is 'independent', 'unconventional', and 'unfettered'.
I have been compared to both Einstein and a badger.
I have been placed in a Nobel Prize winning intelligence quotient category.

If nothing else, I have to say I'm pleased about the badger connection. Too little is known of this savage and yet productive little fellow. Perhaps my lasting contribution will be to raise badger awareness, not just in those areas in which the badger is indigenous, but worldwide. They are our small, furry brothers and they need our respect and understanding. Oh, and if the Nobel people should come calling in the meantime, please refer them to this site.


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